Especialistas en equipos para diagnóstico in vitro en laboratorio clínico.


Analizadores y reactivos adaptados a las necesidades de cada laboratorio, para medicina veterinaria o medicina humana


Blood Gas analyzer

The analyzer works with about 100 Μ l of arterial, venous or capillary blood, are applied directly from the extraction syringe and the results are obtained in 40 seconds. To analyze the gas balance, it should be done only with arterial blood.

The analyzer is ada...

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Lightweight and portable

Works with only 10 µ L of total blood (capillary and venous blood)

Strips for PT, APTT and COMBO (PT and APTT sets)

Correlation with classical PT and recombinant thromboplastin reference reagents.

PT results in less than 2 minutes

APTT r...

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Cera Check Lactate

Cera Check Lactate

The Cera-Chek is a meter-type lactate analyzer. It works with only 1 Μ l of capillary or venous blood and with individual strips. The results are obtained in just 10 seconds. As in the case of the meters is not necessary calibration, just insert a chip that comes with each kit.

The kits a...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Dirui H800

Dirui H800

Fully automated instrument for biochemical analysis of urine by means of test strips

Reading performed by colorimetric photometry, dispensing the exact amount of urine in each reagent of the strip

Density (SG) measured by a refractometer

Turbidity measured by a turbidimeter More info

Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra




Ion analyzer with selective electrode. Tests available: Na, K, Cl, Ca and pH

The instrument performs the determination of ions in less than one minute in serum, plasma or blood.

The required sample volume is 100 microliters.

Simple and intuitive menu in Castilian.


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Rapid Tests

Rapid Tests

Rapid Canine Dirofilaria immitis Ag Test Kit

Rapid CPV/CCV Ag Test Kit

Rapid CIRD-3 Ag Test Kit

Rapid CPV-CCV-Giardia Ag Test Kit

Rapid Giardia Ag Test Kit

Rapid Leishmania Ab Test Kit

Rapid E.canis Ab Test Kit

Rapid CaniV-4(Leish) Test Kit

Rapid E....

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Snibe Maglumi

Snibe Maglumi

Chemiluminescence system

Models 600, 800, 100, 2000 and 2000+

“FLASH” methodology Chemiluminescences.

Possibility to place more than one reagent of the same technique.

Integral reagents with calipers and built-in controls.

Identification of reagents by RFID (ra...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Wellion Vet Belua

Wellion Vet Belua

The WellionVet Belua Meter is a safe and accurate instrument with backlit retro-display and large, easily readable digits.

It allows to measure the blood glucose and ketone levels of animals, especially cats and dogs.

It uses strips easily removable by an ejection button and replace...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


MNCHIP PointCare V

MNCHIP PointCare V

The MNCHIP PointCare works with rotors of up to 19 parameters and with only 100 µl of blood, serum or plasma.

The dimensions are very tight and adapt to any clinic. The measurements are 175x125x210 mm with a weight of only 2.5Kg.

The rotors have a QR reader to identify them eas...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Urit Smart V5

Urit Smart V5

Hematology Analyzer of 5 populations with laser technology and 28 parameters.

Determination of: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, medium corpuscular volume, haemoglobin concentration corpuscular mean, hemoglobin corpuscular mean, lymphocytes (% and ABS), monocyt...

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Urit BH 2900

Urit BH 2900

Haematological analyzer of 3 populations and 21 parameters

Determination of: Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Platelets, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Medium Corpuscular Volume, Medium Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration, Medium Corpuscular Hemoglobin, Lymphocytes (% and Abs), Monocins (% and Abs), Gr...

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Nihon Kohden 6550

Nihon Kohden 6550

Hematologic AutoAnalyzer of 4 populations and 21 parameters and with a speed of 63 samples/hour.

Determination of: Red, leukocytes, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, Vol. Corp. Medium, heme. Corp. Half, Conc. Heme. Corp. Medium, lymphocytes (percentage and absolute), monocytes (percentage...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra




Immunochromatography analyzer for the detection and quantification of hormones and other parameters.

Available tests

The following tests are available:


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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Clima MC15

Clima MC15

15-position Multibucket reading. Reading Volume: 500 microliters per Cuvette. It allows the realization of methodical to final point, kinetic, fixed time and differential. The methodologies can be analyzed simultaneously to final point, fixed time and kinetics. Up to 60 methodicals can be programmed...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Rest of the world.


Mini RAL

Mini RAL

Rotors of up to 19 parameters and with only 100 µ L of blood, serum or plasma. The dimensions are very tight and fit into any clinic. The measurements are 175x125x210 mm with a weight of only 2.5 kg. The rotors carry a QR reader to identify them easily and without errors, the analysis procedure requ...

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Adaptable to every photometric method

48 positions of samples, primary tubes or wells

48 reagent positions in bottles of 50, 30, 20 or 5 ml

80 reaction positions, with 0.6 cm optical path cuvettes.

Up to 200 tests per hour.

Minimum water consumption (1 liter/500...

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Complete blood count with 5 leukocyte populations

Informed parameters: RBC, WBC, HGB, Plt, VCM, Lym%, Lym, Mon%, Mon, neu%, neu, eos%, Eos, bas%, Bas, Hct, MCH, MCHC, VPM, Pct, PDW, RDW.

Distribution curve of WBC, RBC, Plt and Eos.

RRG alarm for possible detection of regenera...

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RapidBac Vet

RapidBac Vet

Test for bacteria in urine

Detection and differentiation of Gram positive and negative

Results in 15 minutes

Correlation with urine culture

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Colour reading method by reflectance

The reading can be done in external mode (6 seconds) or in internal mode (100 seconds)

Ability to simultaneously use 11-parameter strips (Urobilinogen, bilirubin, blood, ketone, leukocytes, proteins, nitrites, pH, glucose, ascorbic acid and densi...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Edan i15

Edan i15

Blood gas analyzer

Adapted to the veterinary clinic with a touch screen for easy use.

It works with about 100 µl of arterial, venous or capillary blood. The extraction syringe is connected to the test card and the analyzer automat...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Cell 3

Cell 3

Haematological analyzer of 3 populations and 21 parameters Determination of: Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Platelets, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Medium Corpuscular Volume, Medium Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration, Medium Corpuscular Hemoglobin, Lymphocytes (% and Abs), Monocins (% and Abs), Granulocytes...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Rest of the world.


Clima Plus

Clima Plus

Reading by Microcuvette of flow or by single-use cuvettes. Reading Volume: 400 – 1000 microliters. It allows the realization of methodical to final point, kinetic, fixed time and differential. Up to 100 methodicals can be programmed. The optical system contains 7 filters between 340 and 670 nm. Ther...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Rest of the world.


Antibiotic resistance rapid tests

Antibiotic resistance rapid tests

RAL introduces the new line of NG Biotech rapid tests for antibiotic resistance detection.

Antibiotic resistance

The problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a cause of concern in recent years, especially in Spain. 700,000 people die every year in the world and 25,000 in E...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra



Clot 2B

Clot 2B

High sensitivity for the determination of the essential tests of the plasma phase of hemostasis (PT, PTT, TT, fibrinogen, factors etc.). Turbo-Densidométrico system of clot detection, electronic time control with precision of 0.1 seconds and with electronic thermostat at 37 ° C. Its exclusive basic...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Rest of the world.




High sensitivity for the determination of the essential tests of the plasma phase of hemostasis (PT, PTT, fibrinogen, factors etc.). Turbo-Densidométrico system of clot detection, electronic time control with precision of 0.1 seconds and with electronic thermostat at 37 ° C. Its exclusive basic oper...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Rest of the world.


Fuji Dri-Chem NX500

Fuji Dri-Chem NX500

Working procedure in 3 simple steps. Multiple test parameters with high performance: 28 parameters in Colorimetry and 3 parameters in electrolytes. 128 tests/hour. Easy to use with the touch panel. It does not require pre-treatment of the sample. Only 10 Μ l/test. Automatic dilution. No calibration ...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Getein 1100

Getein 1100

Quantitative Immunofluorescence Analyzer It has an ample catalogue of plates to carry out tests of NT-NTPROBNP, D-dimer, PCT, troponin, HS-CRP, HbA1c, CK-MB, CysC, mAlb, NGAL, B2-MG and tests combo Serum, plasma, total blood, or urine samples may be used Quantitative reading in 2-15 minutes Possibil...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


MEK 9100K Celltac G

MEK 9100K Celltac G

33 Parameters Hematological AutoAnalyzer

Up to 90 results per hour

Dynahelix flow technology for accurate particle count

Laser Dynascatter technology for optimal WBC differentiation

Reduced sample Volume (40 ul venous blood, 20 ul capillary blood)

Balancing homo...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


MNCHIP PointCare M

MNCHIP PointCare M

Automatic system of clinical chemistry analysis by rotors

Works with only 100 µ L of total blood, plasma or serum

Wide range of rotors that allow analyzing from 5 to 17 analysis parameters

Available parameters: Albumin, ALP, amylase, direct bilirubin, total bilirubin, calcium...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra


Ral Stainer

Ral Stainer

Complete standardization, traceability and reproducibility of the stains.

Working cycles of 10 samples with load capacity of 20 samples.

Completely closed machine with active carbon filter for the complete elimination of toxic vapors.

Wide portfolio of high quality reagents (...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Spain and Andorra




Electrophoresis Reader for cellulose acetate plates. Designed to perform electrophoresis of Seroproteínas, lipoproteins and hemoglobin. The instrument reads, calculates, and prints separate protein fractions. Results obtained in 30 seconds. Printing results in percentage and absolute value. Minors...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Rest of the world.


SRA 48

SRA 48

The SRA-48 is an automatic analyzer for measuring the speed of rate (modified Westergreen). Using vacuum tubes (also can be used without vacuum) of easy use to avoid any type of interference. The unit can read 48 tubes simultaneously, or make sequential readings and go loading and unloading the tube...

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Disponibilidad Available in: Rest of the world.


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