Especialistas en equipos para diagnóstico in vitro en laboratorio clínico.


Ofrecemos el mejor servicio para su laboratorio
Phone line for technical assitance

Trouble shooting for any issue that may appear with our analizers or reagents and any question about our products.

Mobile App
App for Android and iOS

Handling of MNCHIP PointCare rotors. News and promotions. Veterinary catalogue. Access to our website and instagram. Available on Google Play Store and Apple Store.

Online orders for veterinary
Place your order for veterinary products (only available for Spain)

Now you can place your orders for veterinary products using our web. Use the link to plce your order:

Veterinary laboratory

For all those tests that can not be run in the clinic's laboratory. Complete integration with Ral Vet software.

Ral Vet
Management software for veterinary laboratory

Veterinary Laboratory management Software with simple and intuitive interface. Connection with RAL equipment. Pdf reports.

Technical service

We offer our service team for repairs and maintenance of our analizers. Our team is formed by 12 service engineers spread through the Spanish territory and handles the intervetions offering the best assistance.

Cuéntanos cómo podemos ayudarte

Nuestros especialistas comerciales atenderán cualquier consulta que tengas
